If Anyone Wants or Needs
What's this mean, and why did i get it??
After I finished my stickers and got all those dice.. I was high rolling for days! It’s like a completely different game when you’re playing with your multiplier on 100! How do I go back to peasant rolling after that😞
No freaking way
I hate this game 😞
They should have 1 day if even for a few hours where you can trade any gold sticker!!!
Gold Blitz officially announced
How was everyones weekly purple packs?
Pixel pooch losing because people were removing votes trying to make all 3 equal has me tight right now.
Yes we did it thank you everyone that voted this was intense
Yesterday’s Bots vs. Today’s Bots
‼️WE MADE IT GUYS‼️ it was suggested that I change my IGN to “all that glitters”.. I should, shouldn’t I?
CheatingAhhhhh Game🙄
Rigged game
Not about to work this hard for 700 measly dice 🫠
Yall… wtf?
Anyone else’s weekly purple pack just totally sucked lately?
New Update new error
Purple Packs Should Give New Stickers! 🤬
Giving Away‼️ Please read description 🙏
Do I do 30 or 50?
Thank you Peg-E!! Didn’t help finish prestige but it finished a prestige set!! 🎩🤖⭐️🎉🎊
This game is so bullshit 😂😂😂
Alternative Account🤗
Because I Did It‼️🎊🥂