Online OCIA??
(Catholic converts) Online OCIA???
Online OCIA
I'm doing a social experiment for a research assignment, I am Catholic
Please pray for me
How do I deal with protestants as a former protestant?
Doing a social experiment for a research assignment
Doing a social experiment for research assignment
Which tradition of Christianity do you follow, or just simply follow Jesus and if you want say something beautiful about it?
Doing social experiment for a research assignment
Help please
Do I even have a chance of getting in?
When are Mass times?
clueless protestant wanting to pray for a friend
Is it considered a sin to kiss/make out or cuddle with my boyfriend if it doesn’t devolve into sexual things?
New to Catholicism and dealing with push back
Thinking about converting to the Catholic Faith from LDS.
Two questions from a converting protestant
I don’t understand how people leave/reject Catholicism bc what church they “like” (Mini Rant)
Am I obligated to attend Mass today?
What do yall think about Netflix's Mary movie?
Attending Mass for the First Time as a Teen with Unbelieving Parents