I don’t want to accept that my mom’s behavior is abusive
[OC] I’ve been so stressed from school I gave myself shingles
I feel so relieved that I’m finally 18
A psa for parents
[OC] 600 days sober! 🎉
Life magazine article for the Chicago and Kansas City mob
600 days sober
I feel like I’ll never be sick enough
I can’t handle my mom’s anger anymore
I lost a friend without realizing it
TIL about Mark Landis - the painter who donates fake works of art to museums
I’ve officially gone half a year without self harm!
I lose so much hair when I take a shower
A parking lot filled with the same truck [OC]
I got it removed after 3 months
The difference between my first set of braces and my second (first is on bottom second is on top)
I feel so lost
I’ve been a wreck this past week and don’t know what to do
My therapist thinks I have OCPD
3 years without alcohol
I’ve been sober for 16 months [OC]
AITAH for not wanting to go to a college visit?
Inspired. ..
Today is my last day being a prisoner to addiction.