Olivia's newest story on IG. We've heard bits and pieces of what Ethan did, but the whole story must have been wild.
"Marriage is So Hard!!!"—No TF It Isn’t
My church is not letting us dedicate our baby
I'm 15 and pregnant.
Someone help!! I don't know what's wrong! I woke up and he was like this!
Micah is no longer following Veronica
Hosanna Plath
Read the captions
Ripping off the band-aid (telling the pastor we are leaving)
I commited the unpardonable sin
15 and 46
Hourly wage
Can I be left-wing and be Christian?
My cat (4f) Keeps Doing This
Commercial for paras
How hard was it to let go of the secular music ?
Need clarification. It's hard to be objective here. Found these emails between my spouse and another married person.
Former youth pastor. I lost my faith, and feel very lost.
"I feel/felt God's presence." What do you think when people say this?
Ethan is annoying af
Jesus forgive me. I am having "buyers remorse" regarding trump... turns out he is a stupid bully... and defibitely does not embody " quick to listen, slow to speak".
Why are Christians so boring?
What are some of the most prominent modern day idols that the world has replaced God with?
Would you support Vermont's secession to join Canada?
Lydia is married