Do you have or plan to have a child?
what improved your quality of life so much - you wish you did it sooner?
Jack of all trades, master of none
Have you ever "maliciously complied" unintentionally?
One more
What is your most debilitating chore?
Anyone else get adrenaline jitters?
Before being diagnosed what was your “Yeah I have ADHD” moment?
What advice would you give me as a first time mom?
Looking for tie release feedback from non-crunchy moms
How much of your child’s personality do you feel was nature vs nurture?
Gender disappointment?
Playing Mermaids
how did you overcome/cope with your trauma?
Another husband frustration post
Seriously considering quitting my six figure corporate job to be SAHM - seeking opinions
Birth Control
Did “Oh, Crap” method work for you?
General question for parents of young artists
Elevance Health (legit)
My ADHD ruined my life and I can’t cope
Parents of sensory-seekers, how do you cope?
Am I a bad daughter?
I dropped my phone on her head
What’s something you think is overrated?