If a Queen (monarchy) is lesbian, what should the name of the second Queen be?
Everyone handles this problem differently...
What do y'all think about battery powered cable staplers?
Warhammer Kart Double Dash
Let me turn your oc’s into weapons
Enhanced Stealing?
How tall do you typically make your OCs?
i just want to speak like a horrific mechanical abomination :(
What type of transportation does your OCs use besides the one that had existed in the real world? (Nsfw for the secound pic just incase)
My BJJ buddies
Any store in Winnipeg to get stuff for Tea Ceremony (chinese wedding)?
05:00 service call… -36°c … AC Failure. 🙃😐 (just hit -30 at 07:00). AC Fixed and working again….
Asking guys why they want kids. Are these normal answers?
What were you doing your very 1st day in the trade?
Women are confusing
ISO Pokémon card singles
How much do you read romance novels/books/comics?
Tumblr trying to make me choose between Adeptus Astartes and Adeptus Mechanicus
How I think all the xenos species would taste (+recipies)
Honestly I feel like this would solve so many of my problems right now!
Sometimes you have to make the first move