About Me
What would you do if you got a $5000 send?
Tattoo idea for Sub
Get that bag 💸
Dommes need Aftercare too
Being reminded how utterly devoted and loyal my sub is just makes my day. 😩
what kind of domme are you?
Domes do you have limits?
Simp slaves let’s see how good payday Friday was
I’ve started having a kinky fantasy about being married to a successful switch and turning half of the house in to red rooms 🤤🥵🔥
if your sub sent 1k what would you buy with it? bills? gifts? vacation?
Crazy DMs
Wished for a femsub, got a femsub
Femsub devoted to and owned by Goddess Amber Fusia
Subs who send AV when asked 🥵
🫣 I see you lurking
🫣 I see you lurking… wanna see more?
Would anyone else love an artist sub?
Hi………Say hi back!
How far have you thought about going
stepping away for a while...ꨄ