Just moved back after 7 years. Where can I meet people in their 20’s?
Why are people so desperate for attention?
3/9/25-3/15/25 Positivity Thread!
Y’all ever feel like your fav artists like Beyoncé etc are pick me’s
HOBBY THREAD: Ladies post your hobbies and why you like them!
Interracial relationships
How is anyone affording this?
Guess how old I am based on pictures that make me nostalgic
I dealt with a racist today at work, I'm so tired..
Guess what year I was born based off these photos
Which one of us do you think is most attractive
yup yup
Is this true for us too?
Hey yall. I slid into somebody’s dms and now I’m stuck
Odds of getting an Angels Landing hiking permit.
am i overreacting? 😥 (ig reel screenshot)
Scared? NO i’m TERRIFIED! Will the childfree rich-ties be okay?! :(
how old were you when you got your ✨ grown woman body ✨
Why does it seem like so many 2000s borns have millennial parents, and doesn’t it make you feel old?
The future looks dark
Not meeting your protein goals? Try a hot dog. Tonight’s dinner.
At what age did certain stores/styles feel "too young" to you?
Do you consider yourself part of the "youth"?
People, please don’t do this.
2/2/25. We protest.