Anyone with experience with Intel i7 10700F? Good for gaming with a RTX 3060?
Help with a 6S 7" long range drone
Paluten als Fußballer
Cessna 80cm (E)
Guantanamo Bay, the prison still open over 23 years after 9/11
We should this musicale genere “HouthiCore”
No, Thank You! I choose life.
Look what I found on my planet
Ich weiß, NATO hat keine makellose Biografie, aber das sollte AfD und BSW samt deren Wählern gezeigt werden. Wenn Russland (+Putinfreunde) sich morgen zurückzieht -> keine Kriege/Konflikte in Europa.
Rate my first solo landing!
Multitool showcase - show me what you got!
Will this be enough right rudder?
I'm still new to this game but this just became one of my favorite moment in my gaming life.
Google says that this is an F16. Is that the exact model?
Sind das die Zigaretten? 😂🚬🤓
I just don't know what to say
I want this in FS2024 as well
Testleser für Sci-Fi gesucht.
Wot CFI doing?
Pick one.
Are there non-Antarctica places in the world that no one has ever set foot on?
Last Concorde to ever fly
Where does this lead to?
Can i watch porn on this?