The Watatsuki Sisters has been defeated in humiliating way
Lost Word didn't even hesitate to show this
Junko and Hecatia has finally humbled and humiliated both Lunar princesses
Even Zun himself didn't play his own creation
Give this pict to Junko
Rare Chang'e Fanart
The True Ultimate Final Boss
(Chapter 12.5) Japan's famous Historical Figure
Gate: Thus Earth's Gods and Supernaturals Interfere! (Chapter 12)
Someone has come to make an announcement
Different clothes of Gap Youkai
Hakurei Yukari
New difficulty mode (Anime Sensei, Neru, Mika, Wakamo) [Translated by me] (By Renno Andika)
No Junko, that's a Japanese Chang'e
Gate: Thus Earth's Gods And Supernaturals Interfere! (Chapter 11)
Alice has some serious mother issues
Savage Cirno
It's just mushroom juice
Vengeful spirit and vengeful spirit/ghost?
Gate: Thus Earth's Gods and Supernaturals Interfere! (Side story: The Beginning)
Remember the time when we make fun of Akyuu for being dead? Well, here's something she wants to say
The Big Bad Apple
Weird incident... Not that I complain
Not so helpful...
Zun spotted