Steris and Renarin
High Spren
Sunlit Mans name
WaT, I've finally mentally checked out at 1,100 pages in.
Could ____ take up ____
Worst spoilers?
Where did you get the cosmere's lore?
I figure this is a good place to share my landscape of Luthadel!
What would this curse word be?
God of Pickles
My Reading Order
Tress first read
Kelsier fanart by me
If an MRI machine were an Allomancer, what kind would it be?
Which is your favorite book of Era 1?
Would like some opinions
I started the Cosmere about 9-10 months ago and just finished reading all the main books (I think) and wanted to share a tier list I made of my experiences with each book! It's been an incredible journey and I can't wait for more haha
LMAO Tindwyl getting sent out of the room back to back
Sixth of the Dusk
Did I choose wrong book as my Brandon Sanserson debut?
Shadows for Silence silver
Is kelsier a bad person?