It looks like y’all breaking the first two rules of fightclub
Advice on Price
Where to great B.New
3 CWs @ MSRP in Akron, Ohio
Dealership Scam
Looking to buy an FL5 CTR. Are markups still a thing?
Another one down! 2 CW @ MSRP + No Addons
My friend called me disgusting for his idea
Another one bites the dust.
Boost Blue sucks
Just got the wrx back
3.5K Markup for 2025 FL5
My love
Well it finally blew up, 2011 forester 150k with the balls beaten off it for 2 years.
2 BB and 1 CW for sale @MSRP
Update. Got a blue bulb for the center console.
convince me to change to flex fuel
Yes or No on the COBB Knob?
Used car lots
Back half of the month check in…
How many cases of girl scout cookies can you fit in a 2017 XT?
FBK New Record?
Planning on getting a type R
How’s the progress? LG