My First FPV Drone Reel - Let me know what you think!
Death Star trench run irl
What 3D printer do you have?
Any suggestions for mini freestlye 2s o4 drone?
Schon mal so ein Bad gesehen?
Dji 04 is like sex without a condom for the first time
This makes me very happy lol
another day at the bando
How many hours do you have in simulators
5“ Self Build or 3.5“ crux
took me a while
Best way to lock at least 15 sats easy!
Getting overshoots on rolls with fresh build quad. Is this a bad gyro, desync or bad pid tune?
Just did my first ever matty on a little sunday rip. How did i do? Waiting on the 5" is pure cruelty...
hey guys is this soldering fine im really excited to go flying outside been flying in the sim for quite sometime now
Hi guys, i've made a bot that detects and responds to "why does my drone flip on takeoff" posts with a link to the J. Bardwell video on that topic
4 months post LASIK. One eye seems lagging behind.
Winter weather means it's garage whooping time!
How many self powerloops can you do?
Winterwonder bando
Whenever I do high g maneuvers my video cuts out. Originally I thought the plug was coming loose but it’s not.
Is this trick a thing already?
Bass resampling - turn any sample into a playable instrument
Wie viel investiert ihr 2025?
Some efficient 10" cruising to round off the weekend