CrossFit newbie - rx’d 25.3 holding back tears
Feeling sick after 25.3…could it be from the work out?
Creon and Caffeine
Bubbles in urine?
Advice for this year (32M)
About taking creatine.
How are y'all feeling about post graduation?
How to view ranking?
I don’t want to pay for college. I don’t know that she’ll take it seriously.
(F) Elon Protest On Independence
ChatGPT can’t do math?
Experienced Software/Data Engineer Stuck on Calculus – Should I Save Math for Last?
Just about finished calc1 on Sophia
C2B tips
25.2 Rx or scaled ?
Beginner, 1st open, discouraged
25.2 sadness
25.2 seems surprisingly tough for the second week.
Creon Not Working
Biggest symptom is fatigue
25.1 made me want to quit altogether.
Tried CrossFit for the first time today. How do I build my endurance fast?
Best Light Meal Before XFit
Symptoms after trying DAO
Second open performance. Should I be this discouraged?