Give me your favorite ladies that have short hair
Favorite character who's VA can sing?
Favorite (favourite) character that looks like their VA?
First Main character/Main Villain ect.. of a certain race gender ect...
you are empowered by all these who is the strongest character you can beat (Even more thing edition)
What's the most epic confession scene in anime?
Characters with names that sound unintentionally funny in other languages
Convince me that homelander loses to mr incredible
When the useless side character turns out to be the final boss
Here’s a hard one. What do these to favorite characters have in common?
Who wins?
Favorite character who’s fan base annoys you
Characters drinking a non-alcoholic drink (no water)
Who’s winning?
Who has the better smile? Jack or Shiggy?
Favorite character that just won't stay dead?
Who would win?
Who would be your ideal girlfriend and why?
When characters are in two sides and both of their reasoning make sense
Favorite characters that show her midriff
Dr. Doom decides to invade/attack soul society. How do you think it will go?
Final fights that devolve into characters using the last bits of their strength to fist fight eachother
Sad/serious moments in a comedy