I need your feedback :which way is the best way depict dark black people in manga??
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Favorite Character who is the sweetest/nicest guy until you tick them off
Rate my collection 1-10
(Loved Trope) Charchters that have Nicknames that Strike Fear in their enemies
Big guy, little guy duos
Who wins this fight
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
Btw, it's St. Patrick's Day. Name a green DreamWorks character.
favorite shen gong wu ! mine is the golden tiger claws
Favorite character who is disfigured
Which show generally has better demon designs? Inuyasha or Demon Slayer?
Manga recommendations!
That one person who goes "Nope, I'm not going to die in this horror movie" and proceeds to kick ass
Stories named after a character, but not the main character
A well-loved character from a previous installment returns, but not in a happy context
Characters that are insanely oblivious when it comes to romance
Not-so-spooky, scary, skeletons
Drama queen fighters who really care about presentation (bonus points if their opponent doesn't bother posing for the camera at all)
Character shows vulnerability but it somehow makes them even more terrifying
The only one in the room with any logic/reason/common sense.
They had a sibling the whole time they just never talked about them
Pulling up to the fight in business casual
When somebody gets killed numerous times in the worst ways possible
Races whose primary thing is to consume and assimilate all organic life (or even everything in general)