Seeing “trans” people posting in regular subreddits
Should I still go to a camp for “Binary Trans Men”
just why?
writing erotica for trans men, tips?
Feeling weird about how people who know I’m trans talk to me vs. those who don’t?
Why are so many trans guys feminine or gay/bi?
Why do so many ftms go off testosterone?
Dating feminine women who lean towards more traditional gender roles
Ran into this the the other day
Do people feel like they’re in the wrong body at a very young age?
Opinions on non-binary people?
Update it was a date 🥳
There's actually only 2 genders, change my my mind if you can
I don't get it
The inordinate amount of trans men who can't let go of vaginal penetration.
My boss is trans and outed me
“Transmasc” but no “transfem” 😂
Wait, y'all make sense hold up
Maximalist trans activists need to stop spreading this ridiculous lie that trans men want to get pregnant!
Is this person extremely transphobic?
Thoughts on rejecting someone because they said they’re nonbinary
How do you guys deal with girls thinking you're gay?
Okay, I'll ask... Is the "poopwound" thing true??
What happens to trans men now in prison?