Fun fact, by adding 3 new minions with 11 health, Into the Emerald Dream single-handedly doubled the amount of collectible 11-health minions in the game.
32.0 and still not drenai
New Neutral Card Revealed - Gaslight Gatekeeper
I'm Confused
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
Maestra offered Reno, which is not a class Hero card
"Envious of what’s in view? Embrace the void and it will change you."
Into the Emerald Dream Tavern Pass hero skins
How would Imbue work with Hero cards? Would the Hero card restart the Imbue upgrade?
New Priest Card Revealed - Lunarwing Messenger
New Priest Card Revealed - Kaldorei Priestess
Hearthstone’s New Signature Card Series – Shan Shui Cinematic
Into the Emerald Dream Community Events and Balance Patch Preview!
Why can you not disable post reply notifications on Android? "Turn off reply notifications" is only an option on iOS and website.
Wild rotation unnerfs, Mass standard nerfs announced
New Card: Q'onzu
The new Tyrande, Naralex & Curator signatures seem AI generated to me
New Priest Card Reaveled - Wish of the New Moon
I'm a Priest/Warrior main and love Shadowtouched so...
New card revealed: Rite of Atrocity
Lack of Frost Death Knight cards -- The last time DK received even a single Frost rune card was in Perils in Paradise. Do the designers have something against Frost specifically? Is it hard to design for? I wonder what the reason is.
What do you think is the coolest designed card in the game?
Thoughts on this combo? It requires a heavy discount (min. 6 mana) but is a 2-card OTK.
Can We Get ANY Card in Hearthstone?! | Hearth Tech Special
Another year, another time to ask what happened to these coins. Would love for them to finally release!