I'm so sensitive that even when someone is a dick to me because I might have accidentally caused the death of their dog, I still take it personally
Which song called Cry Me A River is better?
People who are experts in a certain field can be so obnoxious sometimes
Are there any dog breeds which look like African Painted Dogs?
Are there any breeds that look like African Painted Dogs?
Has anyone else had the experience that if you drink a soda before bed, when you get up the next day you don't feel like eating for a few hours and if you try to eat you vomit?
Is there some kind of rule here that Anthropology professors have to say that sexualization of the human breast is purely due to socialization in a way that makes me feel bad for jacking off to titties?
It seems like Harriet Crawford has written the vast majority of books about Sumer or some aspect of it within the past 10 to 15 years.
She also called me a r***rd once(I have autism)
I don't think I've ever had to take a pop quiz
I think I just came up with the perfect example of the principle "evolution often settles for just good enough"
I think that one of the main benefits of our relative intelligence compared to many other species is that we're able to realize that everything doesn't always have to be ruled by concerns of practicality or social conventions. I wish more people would take advantage of that.
Is it excessively pedantic to insist that Diet Coke cans are silver, not gray?
Would it be accurate to say that no surviving Sumerian songs have written musical notes?
Is it normal when you're still learning Sumerian to have difficulty making out the characters on a tablet?
Are there any notable non-Sumerians who wrote works in Sumerian that have survived?
Some of the most interesting almost-casts in history
Some of the most interesting almost casts in history
DAE really like C-Span prank call videos?
If humans only sexualize breasts due to socialization, then why are humans the only primates to have evolved large ones?
My professor made a bizarre comment about the sources my group has chosen for a project
I had to do a papermaking class as part of a course today, and it was somewhat embarrassing for me at times
If creatures that laid eggs were sapient, would destroying a laid egg before it hatched be considered abortion or murder?
To me, Neil Gaimans' father looked almost like a combination of him and Douglas Adams