A girl staring out the bus window with headphones on? Instant crush.
I know this is a weird and maybe even wrong question, but…
Fuck you, Reddit. Fuck you.
[Question] Modded Spotify alternatives?
Ignore me, just keeping up my 122-day streak. 😞
Ignore me, just keeping up my 121-day streak. 😞
“X” marks the spot they say, but where be the “X,” matey? OWE
Do not turn the lights on!
I hate _____
Does Hell exist?
are you short?
Favourite country?
I found this, I like it.
i drew a tiny brian griffin in one of the bathrooms at my work
I want a T-shirt like Manson's
I've been a baaaaad boy. How will you punish me? OWE
Traffic light🚦🍆
Would you wear these?
PARTY PEOPLE! FELLOW ASSES, WE JUST HIT 85,750 MEMBERS! Our efforts have not been in vein. OWE
Do you believe in God?
I have a tough choice ahead: which backpack should I take to Prague?
I've got 12345 in here
I solved another sudoku. Now what?