Favorite character who has a design you love
Obey the President. What is it?
Name 1 thing you are addicted to.
Favorite character who is blonde
Favorite characters that you would love to have as a girlfriend
How old am I based on my top 10 ish
Favorite character whose pose you like to hit irl for various reasons
Looking for even more drawing requests, this time I'll try to make as many as I can!
What is the best game in The King Of Fighters series for you?
how old would you assume I am based on my top 12
Give me your favorite anime, and I'll try to rate them out of 10.
Another sketch today, for Orochi fans
A small message for everyone
Anyone else here have tier lists related to their f/o or their source?
For people with s/o's that have canon/popular ships, how do you deal with it?
has anyone else developed soft spots for stuff related to their s/o??
What was that moment for you, when you realized your S/O was ‘the one?’
post a picture of ur s/o and let others share their opinions on them !
Post a cute pic of your S/O!
Favorite Character Who You're Almost Positive No One Else Remembers
Recommend me shows
My name is Coo
Favorite Games Imo lol
The state of the X and XX cast
What DLC character should I get based on my mains?