Isn’t it weird how the whole of the Flash series takes place in an alternate timeline?
What Just happened?
Why is this cover so fire? 😭 (ignore the text)
How would the film have developed further if McQueen doesn't get stuck on electrical wires while trying to leave town?
Why does Nora think weather witch is good
Could someone time travel to before Earth Prime era?
Why when HR sacrificed himself, Savitar didn't disappear immediately like Thawne or Grace?
What if the King died after being hit by Chick Hicks in the last race from Cars 1?
Why couldn't they do the fans theory on how the show would end?
Why is Barry still a forensic scientist in Flashpoint?
If Mater let Lightning McQueen escape from Radiator Springs without being caught by Sheriff.
What if Lightning McQueen died from his crash?
What if Lightning McQueen never went to Radiator Springs?
Back to the Future doesn't follow its own time travel logic when changing the timeline.
why are there so many cw actors on the s5 cast lmao
I like how people think this is the Original Barry Allen but don't ask the logical question why did he not want S1 Barry to save his mom?
Back to the Future doesn't follow its own time travel logic when changing the timeline
Anybody else disappointed that we never got to see what happened to the original timeline Flash?
Is Sally out of her mind?
What do you people think about this?
I would have liked to see the pre-Crisis original timeline.
Do you guys think that 9x10 Thawne is 2x11 Thawne continued?