Fairy Home
From giant yarn ball to Roving Rug
Where oh where did the screw go?
What’s the best thing you’ve outsourced that made your life significantly easier? Whether it’s home-related, kid-related, or even work-related—what was totally worth handing off?
Behold! My giant yarn ball. Size 8 foot for scale
An app to organize all household things?
Hospital workers with older kids. Need to hear good things
How did you get your scar?
What movie(s) freaked you out as a kid? Like, ruined you for months?
What's a good tear jerker movie?
Do people like living in Louisiana?
Probably the last pretty blooms before freezing temps come back
A bouquet of flowers from my yard
Painted nails in the Muslim community
Wildflowers from the yard
What's that sound? What's that noise? Only part I remember
What's that noise
What's a word you pronounced incorrectly once, and it still haunts you?
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it?
I don’t know if I can do this
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
What do you struggle with the most in your life?
What's a good medical podcast to listen to and why did you choose it?
Applying to jobs
Teenagers, what’s something your parents do that secretly drives you insane?