Single men, how do you deal with the desire for love while still building yourself?
I'm tired
Am I supposed to be herxing or not?
Anyone have only fatigue as their main symptom?
Can I wear midline bands during the day?
Which program is best for Mold Toxicity?
Do I have mold toxicity
POTS symptoms for 2+ years
NAC causing inflammation
How can I make herx / die off / detox reactions less intense?
My mid-life existential crisis at play
Men, have you ever hooked up with a girl just to not be touch deprived?
Mold toxicity, MCAS, or both?
Barely passed D427 first try
25 M. single. trying to reimagine my bedroom while in a mid life crisis
Should I investigate further?
Does glutathione increase anyone else’s heart rate and/or blood pressure?
Heavy s******l ideation, I have given up mentally
Y’all ripped me (27M) for wanting a $100K sports car, but how about a F150 2 year lease?
“Imagine thinking 15 is an insanely high body count” 11 thousand likes
Why is Reddit hellbent on shitting on men 24/7?
How did you confirm mold was definitely the trigger?
Best Mycotoxin Test?