People who use Blender on Steam
In countries where the word for Europe is Europa, what do you call Jupiter’s moon, Europa?
Germany approves massive spending package to boost defense
Whats your favourite fizzy drink?
How can Netflix spend $320,000,000 on a movie without it being released in theatres for any chance to earn the money back? Surely they can't expect to bring in 32,000,000 new account signups to recoup the cost? What's going on here?
Weil Eier knapp werden: Trump droht mit Einmarsch auf Osterinsel
Das Lumpenpack klingt wie die Spacefrogs
Bilanz nach 50 Chaostagen in den USA: Zehn schlechte Nachrichten für Donald Trump
Do you own the national flag of your country?
How does Skoda market itself in Europe?
Wie reagiert der Rest der Welt wenn Trump in Panama einmarschiert?
What comes to your mind when you think of Finland?
Sky News: Trump's fixer was made to wait eight hours to meet Putin - it felt like a classic power play
Ich iel
Die CDU-Politikerin Julia Klöckner soll offenbar neue Bundestagspräsidentin werden.
How Canada Would Rank as the 51st State 🇺🇸 🇨🇦
Which Lego Set do you Wish you Didn’t Destroy?
Abgeschobener Vergewaltiger aus Illerkirchberg will zurück
Die F-35 braucht keinen Kill Switch
Welche Band hat euren Musikgeschmack nachhaltig geprägt?
Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.
People are putting regret stickers on the back of their Teslas
Is it really THAT weird that I want a stay at home husband?
After Poland spat, Musk vows Ukraine can keep Starlink
Ukrainekrieg: USA sperren Zugang der Ukraine zu Satellitenbildern