If you are in the US what is your maternity leave like?
How do I help my mom who’s in a lot of pain
Clinical says I need to book a separate appointments for annual physical and pap smear?
What food can you not stop thinking about?
Pregnancy Anxiety? Vent Your Worries Here! // Daily Post
Hearing heartbeat on Doppler at 10 weeks ?
OBGYN insisted I have Pap smear at 8 week prenatal visit
NIPT testing /Lab coders here ?
Checking if NIPT is covered by insurance
Nickname for baby?
What’s your most random pregnancy craving?
OB won’t let me hear the heartbeat
G2211 when to bill
I've been so focused on what baby will need that I forgot I'll need things to heal. Any suggestions on what to get?
My husband and I haven’t had sex since getting pregnant. Are we alone?
My boyfriend is enabling my ED and I don’t know what to do
Diarrhea early in pregnancy—help
Concerned about very little symptoms at 4w 3d
Was I too harsh?
A baby I know cries every time they see me
What are the advices you will give to someone that you learn via experiences?
I’m 23F about to leave my husband 23M
Debating if I should drink coffee