If you’re a guy please tell me
Grumpy Yeti cat is judging me
Which sign?
Ce ați vrut să vă faceți când creșteți mari ?
What sign am I ?
pictez, mănânc și plâng pictând în timp ce mănânc plângând
Grupuri online de suport
Despite the pain they gave, do you miss them?
What songs gets/got you thru your breakup ?
No I do not want to ‘move on’, I don’t care about ‘other fish in the sea’
If you just had communicated with me…
What are your experiences as “staying friends” with your ex’s ?
how do you think your breakup has affected you for the future?
Nu îmi găsesc locul
has anyone ever felt like something bad is gonna happen when you've been feeling good for a while?