Confused af since yesterday
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Type “I love” and let autocomplete finish it
I Spawned In Mine Covert As A Transgender Woman And Legged A T6. Enough Said.
Say the country that you live, without saying it
I'm 17 and this is what I drive
People of the world, what is a unique and typical insult in your native language?
What is the most fucked up thing a person you know has done?
I am bad player and using this loadout as it is affordable.
My parents raised me to be a perfectly capable woman.
Mosin in s8
If your name had to be based on the last thing you ate, what would people be calling you?
More thermals?
I wont be buying your donuts to fundraise for your clubs
T4 sweats vs M3A1 FMJ
How about stop seal clubbing
Shelly GT350
Help with identifying handguard manufacturer and model
Gamers, what was the first game you ever played?
Riot helmet upgrade
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
Chat, did I cook?
Today I matched with this 14 ish y/o dude who started crying when another teammate was looting his kill😭
SPR is fun