Geht es nur mir so, oder sind die Autos mittlerweile wahnsinnig überteuert?
Elon Musk and his family flying Air Force One, just like a President would do.
Abend heute im Nordosten
to stand like a human person
A man in Germany stops public transit in order to pray
They turned the wall into a thunderstorm sky using cotton and Leds
Citizenship application backlog??
Elephant pretends to eat this guys hat
Find the Duck
A cool guide to the types of skirts worn around the world.
A cool guide to types of meting cheese
A cool guide to kitchen measurements
Homeless man spawns around 6 am
imagine if this a movie, what title is this? 😂
In such polarized times, this really made me feel all kinds of heavy emotions.
I made a song entirely of artists singing "baby"
This Jerk stealing from a woman at the beach
Orcas are still smashing up boats – and we've finally worked out why
What’s a kids movie that is worth watching as an adult?
I guess it’s time to have “the talk” with our 9 year old.
What was the reason you didn’t marry the person you thought you were going to?
What is the most fucked up movie you have ever seen?
I think this fits here
Guys wait for me
What is something you love about yourself?