Did you miss me? Which two songs fit each fear: The Hunt
When did calculus actually “click” for you?
what do you all think is better🤔
who's a popular artist/group everyone hates but you personally don't think is half bad?
[Spoilers]The new season’s prices.🤔
Who is your favorite artist from Sweden?
Songs about forbidden love
What type of creator do you consider yourself to be?
Important holiday coming up...
Petah, what does she have to do with otters?
What is your favorite comment that someone made of your oc
Because why not? Y'all got any OCs tht you do this with?
Which artist would you like to say this to?
Hitsujigoods is too clever for her own good
women on this sub
Made a tiny acrylic painting of Sabrine!
Bro what is up with people doing shady stuff in the bathroom??? AT SCHOOL
Servant of The Buried allowed to continue work:
Do y'all remember dabbing?
The best Snow White remake and it was not even made by Disney. They made her more assertive and independent while ultimately making her feel like the same character.
What Niche Thing Makes a Woman Super Attractive to You?
Found this on the wall of my repairman. What do you think? (Don't take too seriously)
Does anybody else have a desire to become a Dragon? Occasionally or Constantly?
I might fail this class for the second year in a row
I feel this one