"Do not try to take off the bandage, it wants to hide the sad memories of the past"
Express Train to Hell is good, possibly the best Tool Abnormality
Combined two favorites of mine
Someone demanded I draw Webber getting headpats
Who are yalls favorite characters? Pic very much related.
It it actually sh?
Losercity anxiety lol
have this poem :)
"Make a silly face!"
thx to me and myself and this community finally hitting the 100 day hope you all make it😊
More after slicing poetry
i got mad emo in algebra and wrote this
HUSBAND POSTING!!!! (Artist is Luxarianart)
[OC] losercity presentation
losercity ummm....
Just something I wrote in math
i just started $h should i stop?
Poetry and a lazy doodle
Losercity pull
How many of you guys betrayed and stabbed thorn on your first time getting the route?
Locercity the creachur [oc]
Attention all Goslings
Is this the most useless thing in the entire game? Not only it does basically nothing, it also just bloats the card pool
losercity femboy physics lecture [oc]