Dead drop oculus store co-op ???
Dead drop Quest and rifs s Cross play
Dead drop Quest an rifs s Cross play
Viveport - Is there a way to copy your saves to a new computer?
can someone share a good pve build please
does Smg crit build still work for Pve ?
Specaializations ammo not dropping
The lost Chatterbox (490)
Exotic Diamonds what are they used for ?
Should i buy this game?
what is xp used for at max level ?
can we please have more vault slots ?
7 attempts to play Heart of Rage. All spawned directly to Boss
Stronghold Suggestion
Every Legendary drop is for another javilin WHY!?
Is this game worth getting right now?
Dev reply on Twitter regarding loot. Says they're not happy with loot either, but changes won't be until "few months"
Don’t play anthem until they make the loots like last night.
For the lov of god increase vault slot
Everylegendary is for another javelin ?? WHY ??
Thanks Bioware for killing the game for me!