Can telecasters play any genre
The autopen's (used by Presidents since at least LBJ) has never been seriously called into question. I don't think there is value in relitigating past signatures but it seems valid to ask: To what extent is one or more people ruling in your name & then telling you about it afterwards acceptable?
My letter to the mayor of Geneva
my pc wont start
What do I need to upgrade on my pc
This subreddit is now officially a Joan Baez simp subreddit.
This is why you don’t roll on shabbos
The Game feels like a Early Access
I NEED help with my amp, I don't know how to make it sound good or i'm just stupid idk. It's like the one in the photo. I ask here because it discourages me and I don't know if it's because I played badly or because it sounds bad HAHA
Intel MOBO vs Ryzen
Best line from Star Trek (2009)
Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water pt 2
No matter what happens with the Trade War...
Why are books rare?
Starfleet Academy Age Requirement Question
Is Lekato a trusty brand?
My capo broke today after ten years of service
How would you help Voyager if you were StarFleet?
Need Trek-Inspired Ideas For A Custom License Plate - I Have 7 Characters to Work With
Why didn't Voyager have a cloaking device?
Why did the Dominion surrender?
City widened lanes on proctor blvd
RIP my first guitar...
I build guitars for a living. What genre do you think this instrument is for? Correct guesses will get an opportunity to purchase
What is the purpose of those slots in this 90’s PC