48 and feeling invisible
Louisville Bats' new secondary logo
Roast my rat
Two year timelapse of a pine tree starting from a seed in 60seconds.
Brothers finally starting to get comfortable with each other
My mini Chicago
Who remembers this?
Going for a drive
"Walking" on the ice
What was your "What the f*** did I just get myself into" moment?
Unity Temple, USA (1905-08) by Frank Lloyd Wright
As a Bears fan, I think I speak for most NFL fans when I say...
What is the craziest fantasy you have?
What is your favorite 80s song?
What’s the biggest lie you believed about life growing up?
What would you do with a million dollars if someone handed it to you (tax free) ?
What kind of weather did everyone have today?
What’s one thing you accomplished today?
Does any of your friends not understand Reddit and how do you explain it to them?
Would you rather have a job that you hate but pays well, or a lower paying job that you love to do?
Corneal ulcer
What movie or movie segments have made you feel genuine sadness?
Most attractive cast? PD or Fire
What are the chances the bears sneak at least one win in to end the season?
Never been told I look like anyone before.