Ouijia, what is your true name?
When you get blue balls what's the easy way to release the pressure?
If you could never be full, what candy would you endlessly snack on?
what is a tv show you could watch over and over without getting tired of it?
What have you worn for so long or often that you feel naked without it?
how do you know your getting old?
The world would call me a hero if I shot ______.
What movie requires an expert level of suspension of disbelief?
If you could see one statistic about your life, but it had to be a completely useless fact, what would you want to know?
How did you get Over "the one that got away"?
How much money do you think you need to retire? Why?
HEY! Fuck you, I’m not FAT, I’m _______.
What is the absolute crapiest way to reply to "I love you"?
Hey honey, look, it’s that _______ guy.
What do you find is your biggest concern about getting older?
What are you starting to hate more as you get older?
If you became the supreme ruler of a nation or the world, what insane decree would you lay down?
What would you do if a wasp flew into your mouth while yawning?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
can ouija type the entirety of the chemical name for the titin protein? (189,819 letters)
What song are you obsessed with right now?
What’s a food combo you swear by that everyone else thinks is gross?
Son.. when I die, you have to remember… _______!
The worst crime is “____”
What’s the secret to making perfect ramen ?