PGL wasn’t feeling it
SabreLighT is a menace
Core (Tinker) is busted, here's why
Rikki Is Not Showing In Postgame Screen
Lina Rightclick Build 7.38
How the offlane became the awful lane: An analysis
I am the Ringmaster, tell me the very best use of my time for the next 1 minute?
Miracle was the problem?
Blast || production appreciation
My Reddit account is older than a lot of Redditors
Feb 6 got me in the feels
Elon's weird behavior at Donald Trump's inauguration.
Crysis 2 - Maximum Edition (free to a good home)
Is it just me or is Pudge hook too fast now?
DOOM Eternal giveaway
Stardew Valley giveaway
Weird grave (?) I found
Exporting a 15 min 4K cinematic video in 2024
Balatro (Steam) Givaway!
1 steam game of your choice!
3 Random Steam Keys (What tv show/anime/series are you following atm?)
Where do you see dota in 10 years from now?
2 new pairs - Kiwi ears Cadenza & CCA Hydro
Got an unusual drop on only my 2nd Treasure III (FREE)