Here's a Poppy-shaped Poppy made out of Poppys. I didn't count em, but if you wanna try it, feel free to do so. Thank you all for making these few hours something special and sorry to those who felt offended by my shitposts.
A very detailed and in-depth guide on how to play Poppy
Vincent van Popp
Sorry that we didn't pick anyone's suggestions, but the name Icing just came to me and we all agreed it was perfect for her
I was just casually catching for my violet dex...
I know what I'll be doing today
Trying to learn how to draw. I would like to apologize to this lady 😭
Decided to start a play through of Scarlet. Any tips?
Transfusion [OC]
Reminder: you can get water raid power lvl 2 easily at sushi high roller at the ghost gym leader's city. It's next to the pokécenter and the first item on the menu
Rate her nickname! Bittersweet!
How good is this team? I wanted to have dual-types without overlap
Gotta be one of my favorite genders
New Scovillain Evo! I just need a name...
Sinnoh Staples
Today I flash-banged someone with my profile
How do y'all call your pokemon?
Found it out in the rain... Please say it's fake.
Couple months ago I decided to do 195 jokers - one for each country - and then forgot about it, so here's two old concepts.
(OC) Paldean Unown Concept!
Sorry what?
Wonder box jackpot
Do you guys think i can get 7* raid ready in 12 hours playtime? (currently have done 3 gyms)
Impossible puzzle?!?! How do I start the game?