At what point do you consider someone a stalker?
Fayette Mall is so dirty
F’d Up Therapy
My (m28) girlfriend (f23) seems like she's hypersexual all the time always making comments about sex. What do i tell her about how it's concerning?
I (28F) rejected my husband (33M) for the first time and his reaction grossed me out
Most reliable engines?
What is a phrase someone says that is an instant red flag?
I’m curious. What do we think my life looks like based off my fridge?
POV: it's 2004. And your 18 years old and released from juvie, and looking for a car. Your budget is $1500. What do you pick?
Songs about being trapped in a push pull relationship.
Feeling myself alot recently
Song you're never tired of, even though it's everywhere?
I'm dying and it doesn't faze my wife. What do I do?
Songs similar to "...Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears
If there was one thing youd change about the supernatural story, what would it be?
When did you realise you may be watching the greatest tv show of all time?
What songs fit into these four categories for you?
Charcuterie plate
I Just Asked My Situationship to Be My Boyfriend — And It Worked?!?!
29m friends say my haircut looks bad but I say I look cute.
What the fuckkkkkkk ???
Music about two people falling in love but one of them is always self sabotaging the relationship
I’m deciding to get it, with the description do you think it’s worth getting, what could possibly be wrong with it? I heard firebirds have a start up problem
Is it normal if my (25F) bf (33M) asked me whether I will tolerate if he slaps me once????
I just learned that my ex wife slept with someone, the first I know of after the divorce….and it’s someone I can’t stand. Can’t stop thinking about it.