Mai, deity of chaos
If you only put your head in a freezer, and your body remains warm, what'll happen?
18f, r/amiugly said i'm doomed. i know my features don't align with eurocentric standards but any advice (esp makeup tips) to help w/ round asian face, wide set eyes + flat nose are appreciated!!
If you were to chew gum and fill your vagina with it until it dried. Would you survive that?
Headaches and nosebleeds: every day at the same time
How I imagine some of the ghosts types (part 2)
So. A new musical?
What is your favourite ghost in Phasmophobia?
Any recommendation for a new fan?
Dragen jullie een binder tijdens het fietsen?
I had breast cancer & now my shitty old blown out navel tattoo is nowhere near my navel, and part of it is now my left underboob. :D
How I imagine some of the ghost types
Hysterectomy: a year later, vaginal cuff tearing?
When you remember the first one made over $1B
Transparent discharge and foul odor, what is it?
Tired of people mistakenly reporting bots! @devs, please read!!!
She’s going to be the very best
7WPO, Nausea, flare-ups and fast heartbeat
Big hard ball inside.
(OC) It's Raoul! And he's pouty
Chai is definitely better than, am I right?
If you could remake the 2004 Phantom movie, what would you do different?
What are the red flags of a doctor or surgeon that I need to be aware of?
3 days post op
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