What are 2hollis’ greatest hits?
Mister Clumper Dumber
I think the flesh interfaces are hellmouths, or merely gateways to hell
The Writhing In The Walls
The Gap Years
I stopped talking when I was fourteen
Wtf happened to that "upcoming" Deftones album?
What is The Elysian Grandeval Galèriarch about?
Life Feels Like a Broken Promise
What is Harlan Ellison's best collection?
But now from the horizon cometh the dove
Why is Tall Tales so bad?
3 Poems I Revised After Your Guys Feedback
Is this real
Harlan Ellison
Do people hate Harlan Ellison’s writing?
Any movies that match the vibe of this image
Any movies like this pic
What does coming out of derealization feel like?
Why are Neil Gaiman fans turning against him, while other fandoms refuse to cancel their heroes?
Rolling Stone piece on Diddy and Gaiman. Excellent.