Do you think VALORANT will get a big 5th anniversary update? What would you want or expect in it?
Deathmatch matchmaking is often a nightmare
What if Valorant is not free to play?
If Valorant isn't your main game, you're going to get clapped every match.
Peak Mumbai Server Toxicity
New agent leak in live
What's ur pick on the currently worst map?
This is why I play in 32:9
Im pretty sure this game is filled with bots
Odin and Aries
I tried changing my name and it made a whole new Lvl 1. Account
Do you Think that every player have a 'skill cap'?
Why are there people who go AFK intentionally for the whole match?
Should I get skins for guns that aren't the Vandal or the Phantom?
"What do you think about the idea of seeing the enemy team's agents selections before the match starts?"
Neptune 2.0 skin teaser
What's the point of locking agents and requiring players to purchase them? instead of making all agents available from the start?
Buying new Agent
I miss icebox. When is it coming back?