Why do you keep asking questions you already know the answer to?
Stop asking if you pass and get mad about the answer or advice given
I still don’t pass after 5 years of T
Getting top surgery, but struggling to get support
What are some of the differences between women's online behaviour and irl behaviour?
what’s your go to dose for edibles? how long does it take to hit?
Top surgery recovery is rough
Are femcels really a thing ?
Curb ramps? But why?
Why do they do this?
is this dude a troll
Guys in long term relationships, how do you get over the feelings of inadequacy?
Should I still go to a camp for “Binary Trans Men”
Do I pass? And how old
Demographic change in one of the ftmporn subs = possible hope for some guys here.
Thoughts on AI partners?
Peace and quiet 🥰
disparaging men for physical traits outside of their control is disgusting, hurtful, and bullying
Do I pass? If not, how can I pass better?
confession: i only really see passoids/semipassoids as their sex
Opinions on non-binary people?
Is watching dating advice on YouTube on how to get a girlfriend bad?
What can I do to pass better? Haircut advice?
Which color do you see on top, and which color do you see in the background?