Dorohedoro collection
Another pic of my Fujita cosplay
Dorohedoro cross stitch
painted something
Oh Look, it’s that creepy hallway that Caiman always stops at
A foggy Kista Bus Station (North Stockholm)
Nikaido Fan art by me (@Misa_noir)
Updated display
Best christmas
I got me nikaido tattoo
Update on my nikaido cosplay for DCC
Margin doodle of Nikaido. Looks better than I expected so decided to post
Mysterious shirt???
A Very Teeny Kikurage I painted
Just got vol. 1, 2 and 3. I have a quick question.
What Was Your First Experience with Dorohedoro? 🐊
Black Smoke Diorama for Kitan Club's Head Mascot
My collection