Album Rankings
Give me an album 1-25 and I’ll give you a song rec and my favorite track from the album
Scott Pilgrim artwork!!! This took three hours of my life
another signing!!
Give me your most under appreciated or underrated ADTR choruses
Guess my Age and other stuff from my 6 month stats
what was your first jam track?
Viva La Mexico is an underrated song
They updated their artist icon on Spotify.
Album announcement this week?
The itch has been scratched
What fn festival colab do you want to see the most?
A list of the most requested rock/metal artists for a Jam Track in the game's official discord server.
What do you name your band?
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Please help me settle a debate with a friend
Hi! I have a funny picture that I think would look cool drawn :D
hoping for a For Those Who Have A Heart 20th anniversary tour in 2027
Im starting to agree with that one guy who kept itching
wonder if that one guy heres still itching like a dog with fleas
An artist asking to be drawn ? More likely thank you’d thinks
What are yall hoping for in the next single?
Heaviest song?
Can someone give me a good movie rec that gives the same vibes as Scott Pilgrim VS the world?