37 kills 37 streak
Nobody on r/foundspyris anymore?
Just bought GW2. What should I know before I start playing tomorrow?
Arm wrestler?
Hey buddy.
popular PVZ Youtuber says that he is gonna get a LOW TAPER FADE
Janus' painting
I was having fun with a bunch of relics and shivs until this asshole
chat real?
Ah, yes, that card. Suicidal Misson.
Camel to Camel
The AI knew he was gonna lose so he soft-locked the game
If 47 steps on a scale in the Thai hotel, his weight reads 47.00
A silly tierlist based on how good the characters primary weapon sounds
My tierlist - personal opinion
Tf is this guy doing at my house
Never be friends with Hunter_the_mubter he's a jerk u guys don't want to be friends with him
I Made A Tierlist of All The Zombies in Media I have Seen and Ranked The Danger In a IRL Scenario
Which female should I marry in Vanilla Skyrim? EXCEPT IT CAN’T BE LYDIA (image unrelated)
THIS GUY is a dirty rotten no good cheater, if you see him in game report him. how do i know? hes playing toxic brains on wallnut hills
Thoughts on the chillrend
Can't have shit in Sapienza
what is the canonical reason why they don't use guns here
Corn what did you do
What should i spend my coins on?