What do you mean by that, Gus?
Was Soll actually bad?
[CONCEPT] If Deivid Wisci releases a memoir, would you buy and read it? If yes, what details or secrets you look forward to see?
How would have Rihana played Suzerain?
So do you know me?
Reform RP sucks
Game made me geniuenly feel bad about myself.
Rumburg is the 4th largest economy?
MORNING HAS COME! (Gay fanfiction is now back)
Which Suzerain Character would be good at utilize social media?
Funny how you could be the most racist, misogynistic, and overall obnoxious bigot in this server but the moment someone makes a gay fanfic (with no sex I might add) suddenly its breaking content policy.
UNHOLY - Chapter 3 (Sal Ignacius x Supreme Wiseman)
I see your "the PJFP wouldn't call NFP racist" and raise you the statement from Ricter himself:
Who would win in a chess match? Lucian or Lucita?
what would luderin feel towards the bluds
Wow so if you had a bad relatation with Lena Vina can accuse you of having her killed...
Monica only wants two things: (1) Women's rights, (2) Good husband. That's why she's one of the best characters in the game.
I hate the NFP too
Intermerkup is contrary to the interests of Rizia.
Axel is very smart.
Feel obligated to share this
What do you all think about being able to fund ministries with 6 GB instead of just 3 GB?
Do You consider yourself Nationalist (ie aligned with USP or NFP), if so what kind
Can I abolish Article 6&7 and eliminate BFF with weakened Presidential decrees? I know I won't be able to sign Abolishment of Bergia Special Zone but is there another way to pass it? I know it is needed to eliminate BFF.