If you plan on having a baby, plan on a kid, teen, and adult.
What is everyone’s favourite perfume?
How you really know if you want kids?
Should a guy be considered as a RED FLAG if he uses reddit?
Why do I miss my therapist all of a sudden?
If you could order only one menu item in all of Canberra, what would it be?
Anyone else talked to their therapist about transference and it didn't help? What do I do now?
What is pharmacy's "bible"?
What happened to my brain after maintaining a Gratitude Journal for 30 days
am I the only one who couldn't watch s2e7? So boring.
Appreciation post for Jessica Lee Gagné!
We witnessed a television masterpiece tonight.
How to love myself even when no man ever picked me or loved me?
Feeling like I will never find my match
Study group - paramedic students
Are you team innie or team outie?
I'm mid 30s in Canberra and want to go clubbing. Who wants to come with? I also want to start my own club - 27+ entry only.
My bf (29m ) of five years told me (32f)he’s not my husband. Thoughts?
I'm need to Android phone recommendations
Is it possible to love yourself as intensely as you loved others ?
Pharmacists of Australia, how are you surviving? 😢
Ahhh! Why does no one I know watch this show?!
Why do I always feel like I’m talking to dumb people?
Valentine's Day hitting hard :((