Every time Shep speaks to Sienna
Worst chefs?
Help! Best Dress Pants (and jeans too)
I do not think I have ever felt this level of secondhand embarrassment
Whoever did Cone-Tessa’s makeup for season 7 reunion needs to find a new profession
Is Emmy:
Reunion seats?
I’m not sure how Andy held it together as good as he did - I would’ve lost it
Darren the Douche
My Journey as a New Watcher: Season 2
My Journey as a New Watcher: Season One
Virgin Watcher
Is this a cover up arrest to put the story to rest because they can’t find the actual guy?
Should I start binging?
Never watched
Listened to Statler's podcast and Dempsey scammed herself a nice van life.
If I hear soft-partnering one more time…
My dad was just diagnosed
Did Richard’s Wife Divorce Him?
Your go to Challenge quote.
How are you coping in the heat?
I didn’t know there was a group for us burning peeps!
Faith Hedgepeth