Bought 20 packs on Black Friday sale
Need help with this weird glitch
PC W: Mule H: Runes etc.
Ps4 W: talismans H: karma THANKS
PC W: Magic Scorpion Charm H: ask + karma
[PS5] W: +0 weapons H: runes, karma, ask
[Psx] H:giveawy W:customers
Ps4 W: runes H: karma,mule THANKS
Ps4 W: magic scorpion charm talisman H: karma THANKS
Ps4 W: magic scorpion charm talisman or some runes H: Karma,ask THANKS
Ps4 W: Runes H: karma,ask! THANKS
Ps4 W: runes H: +karma THANKS!
Ps4 W: runes H: +karma,ask!
Ps4 W: runes H: Karma
Ps4 W: runes H: +karma
Ps4 W: runes H: karma
Ps4 W: runes H: karma,im kinda new to reddit so how can i give u karma haha
Can i just have runs for free. (PS5) (Church of elleh)
W: runes H: nothin ps4/5
[pc] [w] karma [h] giving away any duplicate armor and weapons with some runes to boot (not that many runes)