Steakhouse recommendation?
PC Financial account set up bonuses
Traveling to Varadero
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Oaken Financial high TFSA Savings rate
Regina feels like a ghost town
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Best high interest savings account and referral codes
Flights to Toronto
Booking flight for August 2025 in December. Bad idea?
Referral promo for returning customer?
Mutual funds via QTrade
Nissan Infiniti dealership credit
Loving relationship with BPD 29F, but her family doesn't understand BPD
Regina Nissan dealership mandatory purchase of add-on
Trip starting August 26
Trip to Jasper starting August 26
Good place to watch a Riders game
Working for the Government of Alberta
Travel to the USA
Different plans for the future possibly a deal-breaker
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Travel agent for all-inclusive resorts
World Cup, Where to Watch?